Cari di Sini

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Right Proces To cultivate Efficacious

Itching immediately feel in back of his hand when Rubiyantoro touched the tip of the stem armpit Rodent Tuber sap. Guess it just lost 3 hours ago. "Be careful process Rodent Tuber," says herbalist in Pekayon Jaya village, municipality of Bekasi, West Java.

Another experience, a patient felt itching in the mouth and throat when drinking the decoction of this medicinal plant. According to Prof. Dr. Mustafa Apt Kes, a researcher at the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Gadjah Mada University, itchy allegedly arises because Rodent Tuber contain active compounds that trigger the production of histamine in the body.

Histamine is a compound cause itching, pain, and allergies are released by the immune system in response to foreign substances that enter the body. However, the itch on Rodent Tuber easily removed.

Rubiyanto add honey to prevent itching. He poured a spoonful of honey in the Rodent Tuber plant juice, stirring rate, and drink it before meals. "Honey it is an antihistamine," said Mustafa.

Antihistamine compounds in honey production neutralize the effects of histamine in the body so itchy when consuming Rodent Tuber did not appear. While Sidi Aritjahja dr, doctor and herbalist in Yogyakarta, suggested adding 1.5 grams of fennel seeds or leaves of Blumea. Both also efficacious prevent itching.

Rubiyanto use the whole plant Rodent Tuber, rhizome, stem, and leaves. For all consumption, need 3 plants intact. Birth Bandar Lampung, Sumatera, he was washed Rodent Tuber with running water. After that whole plant pounded. Rodent Tuber Rubiyanto avoid boiling because of the way it causes itching when consumed. She uses gloves when grinding.

Tools and containers made from non-metallic grow like ceramic or pottery clay. When the whole plant pulverized, Rubiyantoro add 1 tablespoon of boiled water. The dough is mixed well and then squeezed with a clean cloth.

Of the 3 plants were obtained by an average of 1.5 tablespoons lemon Rodent Tuber. The juice is ready to be consumed after added a half tablespoon of honey. That way free Rodent Tuber itching in the throat.

Ideally Rodent Tuber juice drink right away. Intermittent 10-12 hours after processing, appear not tasty aroma that is not worth drinking. For those who do not want to process their own, there are many brands on the market Rodent Tuber extract. Missal Rodent Tuber extract in capsule form. Consumption is 3 capsules 3 times daily.
(Trubus Magazine, June 2009)

To obtain capsules Rodent Tuber, call 081288851177 only Rp 50.000 per bottle with 80 capsules.

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