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Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Research Prove Efficacious Rodent Tuber

Living with only a foot? Tomorrow morning the doctor to amputate his right leg, just below the knee Kurnia Bhakti-not her real name. 10-year-old gay boy was in tears, no sobs, when he learned the plan.
Doctors at a hospital in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, eventually amputating muscle tumor metastasis, fearing it will spread to other organs.

Kurnia Parents agree with the decision of the expert doctors to amputate the leg. Therefore, the lump in right calf continues to grow, the size of ping-pong ball. Muscle tumor that initially only the size of marbles that appear when Kurnia 7 years old. At first, Kurnia not feel pain. However, as the enlargement of the lump until sebola ping-pong, the eldest two brothers feel pain.

Especially when touched or rubbed against something bumps. His parents rushed to a hospital Kurnia in Central Jakarta. It was then dokte diagnose muscle tumors after checking Kurnia. On December 25, 1997 when Kurnia aged 9 tahsia 9 years old, doctors removed the tumor cells. "If allowed to be turned into a cancer tumor that required surgery," the doctor said as quoted by a mother of Kurnia.

Postoperative Kurnia food is of considerable concern. The doctor forbade the consumption of fatty foods and encourage consumption of juice. Kurnia follow that advice. But 4 months postoperative, cancer cells grow back. That is encouraging parents Kurnia find a cure to Amsterdam, Netherlands. That's where doctors amputated his right leg Kurnia.
After surgery Kurnia wearing prosthetic limbs to support the body.

A year or two years is not problematic. However, 5 years after amputation, gosh, muscle tumors were dating again. Location of tumor emergence was only inches from the former amputation. Means that for the 3rd time the tumor fester in the right leg 2 times Kurnia after surgery. That is why parents Kurnia not visit the doctor or hospital specialist, but to a herbalist in Bandung, West Java.

Healers in the Flower City Rodent Tuber extract capsules prescribing. Kurnia disciplines consume 3 capsules 2 times daily. Seeing the development of tumor cells growing on the shrinking, parents are amazed Kurnia. Three months of routine mngkonsumsi Rodent Tuber capsule, the tumor eventually disappears.

Kurnia is not yet checked into the lab. However, until now 5 years pascapengobatan herbs, lumps and pain never came. Kurnia, 20, is now fit and was studying in Australia. There he keep taking the capsules Rodent Tuber to maintain health.

Kurnia not the only one who felt the efficacy of Rodent Tuber. Nurhasanah initially found the quail egg-sized lump on the left shoulder. The size of the lump was getting bigger bolder so worrying.

Pancabakti high school students in grade XI, Pontianak, West Kalimantan, was rushed to the doctor. After undergoing an intensive examination, doctors diagnose tumors Nurhasanah positive lymph nodes. The solution is one: the operation.

In mid 2008, he began taking 2 capsules 3 times daily Rodent Tuber. "The first drink, my urine several times. Pain is also the more I feel, "said Nurhasanah.

Maria Margaretha Andjarwatik, herbalist in North Jakarta, said it was an indication of the drug is working. Exactly two months, the lump had disappeared altogether. Simultaneously, the pain also disappeared.

According to Lina Mardiana, herbalist at Pathuk, Yogyakarta, Rodent Tuber also used to treat a wide variety of other diseases such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Indeed there has been no research that tested the Rodent Tuber on 2 disease. Lina inherited the recipe from her mother who practice in 1970.
(Trubus Magazine, June 2009)

To obtain capsules Rodent Tuber, call 081288851177


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