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Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Keladi Tikus Benefits

1. Inhibit the growth of tumor cells
2. Inhibit the growth of cancer cells
3. Reducing the adverse effects of chemotherapy (hair loss, nausea, decreased appetite)
4. As an antiviral and anti bacterial
5. Detoxification drug toxins

Process of Fresh Keladi Tikus

1. Take 3 Rodent Tuber (Keladi Tikus) crops that are still intact, have roots, stems, and leaves.
2. Clean the dirt on the plants with clean water flowing.

Right Proces To cultivate Efficacious

Itching immediately feel in back of his hand when Rubiyantoro touched the tip of the stem armpit Rodent Tuber sap. Guess it just lost 3 hours ago. "Be careful process Rodent Tuber," says herbalist in Pekayon Jaya village, municipality of Bekasi, West Java.

Keladi Tikus Healing Colon Cancer

At a young age, 26 years old, Princess Mia-not her real name-had to wrestle against colon cancer. Malignant tumors of chicken eggs entrenched in the colon. And in Indonesia, a cancer that attacks the 1.8 per 100,000 population is usually found in men and women over the age of 50 years.


The results of the Jakarta Breast Cancer survey show 2834 people who checked the lump in her breast, 78.6% as benign mammary tumors, cysts, lymphoma, and mammary dysplasia.

Rhizome Rodents Disease Death

What Wanda Lisa Elisa fear finally happened. Breast lump in the left-after-show scanned Lisa 2B-stage breast cancer measuring 3 cm x 3 cm.

Drugs from Damp Soil

In Chinese, Rodent Tuber called Banxia Shui, which means poisonous medicinal plants that live in water or damp places. "Because of growing in damp areas, nature was warm and spicy plants so it is suitable to treat diseases of lenders," said Dr. William Adi Teja MMed, of the Chinese Medical Center Clinic Utomo, Jakarta.

One Guess

Search Trubus magazine, last years many doctors and herbalists prescribe to patients Rodent Tuber. Just to mention a few examples are Dr. Henry Naland SpBOnk in Jakarta, Dr. Eliya (Banten), Dr. Ivan Hardi (Surabaya), and Agus Salim (Malang). Doctors at the Clinic Karyasari-spread in 4 places in Jakarta are also prescribed Rodent Tuber.

Cancer Cases

Evidence from laboratory led to increasingly Rodent Tuber prestige in the last year. "I see people frustrated over chemical treatment. Chemical drugs promised healing great, but cause side effects in the long term.

Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Wow, Cancer Cell Suicide

How Rodent Tuber mechanism to cope cancer cell? "Rodent Tuber can block the development of cancer cells and tumors," said Wahyu Suprapto, herbalist in Batu, East Java, and lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Airlangga who prescribe Rodent Tuber.

Research Prove Efficacious Rodent Tuber

Living with only a foot? Tomorrow morning the doctor to amputate his right leg, just below the knee Kurnia Bhakti-not her real name. 10-year-old gay boy was in tears, no sobs, when he learned the plan.

Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

Riset Buktikan Keladi Tikus Mujarab

Hidup dengan hanya sebuah kaki? Besok pagi dokter mengamputasi kaki kanan, persis di bawah lutut Kurnia Bhakti-bukan nama sebenarnya. Bocah periang berusia 10 tahun itu menitikkan air mata, tanpa isak, ketika mengetahui rencana itu.

Wow, Sel Kanker Bunuh Diri

Bagaimana mekanisme keladitikus mengatasi sel kanker? “Keladitikus mampu memblokir perkembangan sel-sel kanker dan tumor,” kata Wahyu Suprapto, herbalis di Kota Batu, Jawa TImur, dan dosen Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga yang meresepkan keladitikus.

Kasus-kasus Kanker

Bukti dari laboratorium menyebabkan kian mencorongnya pamor keladitikus dalam setahun terakhir. “Saya melihat masyarakat frustasi atas pengobatan kimia.

Salah Sangka

Penelusuran Trubus setahun terakhir banyak dokter dan herbalis meresepkan keladitikus kepada para pasien. Sekadar menyebut beberapa contoh adalah dr Henry Naland SpBOnk di Jakarta, dr Eliya (Banten), dr Ivan Hardi (Surabaya), dan Agus Salim (Malang). Dokter-dokter di Klinik Karyasari-tersebar di 4 tempat di Jakarta-juga meresepkan keladitikus.

Obat dari Tanah Lembab

Dalam bahasa China, keladitikus disebut shui banxia yang berarti tanaman obat beracun yang hidup di air atau tempat lembab.

Rimpang Pengerat Penyakit Maut

Yang dikhawatiran Wanda Lisa Elisa akhirnya terjadi. Benjolan di payudara kiri-setelah dipindai-menunjukkan Lisa mengidap kanker payudara stadium 2B berukuran 3 cm x 3 cm.

Fitol dalam Keladi Tikus

Hasil penelitian Jakarta Breast Cancer menunjukkan dari 2.834 orang yang memeriksakan benjolan di payudaranya, 78,6% mengidap tumor jinak seperti mammae, kista, limpoma, dan mammary displasia.

Keladi TIkus Jinakkan Kanker Usus

Di usia muda, 26 tahun, Mia Putri-bukan nama sebenarnya-sudah harus bergelut melawan kanker usus. Tumor ganas sebesar telur ayam bercokol di usus besarnya. Padahal di Indonesia, kanker yang menyerang 1,8 per 100.000 penduduk itu biasanya ditemui pada pria dan wanita di atas usia 50 tahun.

Olah Tepat Agar Berkhasiat

Gatal seketika menyerbap punggung tangan Rubiyantoro ketiak menyentuh ujung batang keladitikus yang bergetah. Rasa itu baru hilang 3 jam berselang. “Hati-hati mengolah keladitikus,” kata herbalis di Kelurahan Pekayon Jaya, Kotamadya Bekasi, Jawa Barat itu.

Olah Keladi Tikus Segar

1. Ambil 3 tanaman keladitikus yang masih utuh, memiliki umbi, batang, dan daun.
2. Bersihkan kotoran yang menempel pada tanaman dengan air bersih mengalir.
3. Tumbuh seluruhnya di dalam wadah nonlogam sampai hancur.

Manfaat Keladi Tikus

1. Menghambat pertumbuhan sel-sel tumor
2. Menghambat pertumbuhan sel-sel kanker
3. Mengurangi efek buruk kemoterapi (rambut rontok, mual-mual, nafsu makan berkurang)
4. Sebagai antivirus dan anti bakteri

Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

Traditional Medicine for Cancer, Cyst, and Tumor

Keladi Tikus (Typhonium Flagelliforme) is traditional medicine from Indonesia for cancer, cyst, tumor.

Typhonium Flagelliforme has proven to heal cancer patients such as breast cancer , colon cancer, rectum cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer, leukemia, cervical and lung cancer.Yes, it heals haemorrhoid and vaginal discharge too.

Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

Khasiat Keladi Tikus

Keladi Tikus memiliki berbagai khasiat:
1. Menghambat pertumbuhan sel-sel tumor
2. Menghambat pertumbuhan sel-sel kanker
3. Mengurangi efek buruk kemoterapi (rambut rontok, mual-mual, nafsu makan berkurang)
4. Sebagai antivirus dan anti bakteri