Cari di Sini

Senin, 14 Maret 2011


The results of the Jakarta Breast Cancer survey show 2834 people who checked the lump in her breast, 78.6% as benign mammary tumors, cysts, lymphoma, and mammary dysplasia.
While the other 13% diagnosed with breast cancer. "Therefore, all women over age 20 should consult a doctor if you find a lump in the breast," said Yelia.

According to John T Mackie, researcher in the Department Patobiologi, Texas University, United States, the liver, metabolized into acid fitol fitanat and pristanat. That organic acid compound is a peroxisome proliferator activated receptor binding gamma (PPARy), which inhibits gene expression causes fat oxidation in peroksisome origin and mitochondria that eventually become cancer cells.

Besides fitol, Koichi Takeya Farmakognosi Department, University of Tokyo, Japan, found metal esters of amino acids and ektadekanoat heksadekanoat be cytotoxic against leukemia cancer cells with IC50 levels reach 15 micrograms per milliliter.

Not only anticancer, also proved to be hepatoprotector Rodent Tuber. Huang P from the Institute of Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy, Taiwan, managed to isolate the Rodent Tuber components by chromatography.

The compounds that include koniferin, beta-sitoserl, and beta-daukosterol. In addition, compounds known to have activity antihepatotosik serebrosida.
Studied the antibacterial properties Adel Sharaf Al-Zubairi, from the Department of Clinical Biochemistry, University of Sana'a, Yemen. Rodent Tuber hexane extract has antibacterial activity, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, cause of infection during perawata in hospital and Salmonella choleraesuis, disease-causing cholera. According to Adel, antibacterial properties it because the content of saturated fatty acids such as lauric acid and capric.

In addition, Rodent Tuber also used to treat influenza. It was investigated by Zhong Z of the Institute of Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy Guangxi, China. Research results show, Rodent Tuber, which is extracted in water, alcohol, and ester solution to cure cough, reduce phlegm, antiasma, headache, antipembengkakan, and bloating.

Maximum number of Rodent Tuber who consumed one drink is 720 g / kg body weight in water extract, 900 g / kg body weight in the form of alcohol extract, and 3240 grams / kg of body weight in extract esters.

With a myriad of benefits, Rodent Tuber be panasea for cancer patients, liver disease, and influenza disease. According to Lucie, the efficacy was obtained because Rodent Tuber thus able to strengthen immune resistance to disease increases.
(Trubus Magazine, June 2009)

To obtain capsules Rodent Tuber, call 081288851177


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